Sunday, November 7, 2004

Thus a new month has ushered in the peace to which I've grown accustom...the peace that ebbs into my veins as gently as fall leaves fleed the trees that have given them life.

Being new in a region that actually has fall I have found a fascination in fall leaves. The only thing familiar about fall is the distinct smell I remember from being four years old.

Oddly, the smell reminds me of my father and yet, I have no recollection of being with him in the fall. Maybe the smell simply whisks me back to a time when he was a looming force in my world.

I do, however, remember rolling in piles and piles of leaves with my mother. And I remember preschool in the fall.

ckays1967 at 9:17:00 PM PST Link to this entry

This entry has 11 comments: (Add your own)
Oh Wow...what an entry tugged on my heart.

I bet your mom loves those memories too.
Comment from redhdka - 11/9/04 10:05 AM

An evocative and beautifully-written entry!
... John (diagnosed in '96)
Comment from bosoxblue6993w - 11/9/04 6:53 AM

Truly fascinating journal. I'm curious, how long have you had MS?

I really know very little about the condition, though... (and I hesitate
to say it, after reading the top of your journal).... but, aunt has it.
You'd never know if she didn't tell you though. I guess she's lucky.

I came in today because it seems you visited my Bible study journal

and so I "followed you home" so to speak. Thanks for letting me visit!

I'm glad that you enjoyed my study. Please come back again.

I truly enjoy hearing from everyone who reads it. Thanks again!

Comment from angieabk - 11/8/04 9:47 PM

beautiful description......

Comment from cneinhorn - 11/8/04 3:29 PM

Giftedly described. Do they still allow burning of fall leaves in your area? The fragrance of the leaves and twigs of the different trees was always a priceless bouquet. Patrick
Comment from daddyleer - 11/8/04 1:50 PM

I have so many wonderful memories of fall, and raking leaves.

Enjoyed reading your entry, but then...I always do. Hugs, my friend.
Comment from barbpinion - 11/8/04 9:22 AM

Beautiful entry. well described and written.
Comment from gypsytrader49 - 11/8/04 6:58 AM

Dear Friend,
Fall was always my favorite time of year too, but not now.

It is the sad time for me as it always reminds me of Mama.
Can you believe it has been SIX years since we were together
(in the flesh) and since I lost her??? Where has the time gone?
Sometimes, if I am REAL still and quiet, I can still hear her
voice but Time is stealing that from me as it is now getting softer and softer.
The 17th of this month she closed her eyes, smiled and quietly

left this world and on the 27th she would have been 81.
How young to die when she so enjoyed life.
But Fall is beautiful and up your way, probably more so than in the South.

Enjoy and enjoy all your wonderful memories too.
We really MUST have a visit some way, some how SOON.
I love you my Friend,
Comment from dallas0406 - 11/8/04 3:53 AM

awww, this is soo sweet. It almost makes me cry. the only memories

I have of my father is one of pain, not of fall. Certianly not fall, I love fall. :D
thanks for sharing.
Comment from babyshark28 - 11/7/04 11:26 PM

You write like an artist paints.

Comment from readmereadyou - 11/7/04 10:22 PM

I can't imagine living in a place with no fall. It has always been my

favorite season. I hope you have enjoyed fall in the northwest. Lisa :-]
Comment from mlraminiak - 11/7/04 9:20 PM


  1. Memories are a piece of the joural of life I keep. Many corners of the pages are worn and turned back from use. I applaud this piece of your journal.

    Blessings galore



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