how children steal your heart

After a doctor appointment today, I took the eight year old to Burger King. Seemed fair.

Got one of those "Antz write-on Wipe-off" boards and the kid promptly drew a little picture that Charley has claimed and posted on his wall at work.

The top of it says:

I love my family.

It is a drawing of Charley with glasses, me in a dress holding Charley's hand, the three kids and our dog.


  1. how beautiful.

    now that is a family.

    i'm glad for you all.

  2. Oh Christina,

    What a wonderful way for a child to say I love you.

    I know how proud you are of that drawing, I still treasure the ones you drew for me.

    Have a wonderful week at camp. Hugs the kids for me. And hug yourself and Charley.



  3. That alone is the essence of family! Beautiful!

  4. Oh, Christina, that is so powerful in its simplicity, yes?



January 15th

One year ago today I began to eat differently. It is called the Ketogenic diet and the information is out there for free ...