
I had this fabulous post all planned out in my little head about how unselfish Jesus was on the cross. One of the glorious things He did was take care of his mother and John by giving them to each other right before He died. Looking out for other people is what He did best and I am not so sure I could be so gallant.

Hanging on a cross, about to die for other's sins.

Wondering why His Father had forsaken Him.

Selfless. Worthy.

But then this really wonderful thing happened to us; were are really and truly foster parents now.

Our first kids (notice the "s") are suppose to be on our door tonight.

Yes, I realize this is the SECOND time in this journal you've heard this same news from me, but the difference is this time I have a license in my house to prove I am a REAL Foster Parent.

Certifiably sane, safe and everything.

Yippy Skippy!!!!!!

What to do, what to do?

NOW WE HAVE KIDS to take to the Easter extravaganza Candy Hunt on Saturday!!!!!!


  1. What a wonderful time of the year to receive the gift of these children. I can see you in your red kitchen coloring Easter eggs now! Am so happy for you.

  2. Yep!!!!!

    I went and bought them Easter baskets on my way home tonight...giant ones.

    When I was unpacking the one's suit case the was several pieces of a the snowman navitity set that I stole from my mother in law a couple of Christmases ago. I don't know where he got his little rag tag set but he wanted it on his book case.


  3. Only hugs left to give
    words can't convey the thrill
    so happy for your joy
    smilling with an inside shrill

    bless you

  4. Rejoicing with you dear! Enjoy!
    loving you

  5. Don't you just love Easter... Besides the Peeps...heehee...mmmm Just kidding! I love getting the kids all dressed up and I love Easer Brunch, I love all the Easter songs in Church...
    King of Kings... Lord of Lords...
    I will be thinking of you and wishing you all the best on Easter morning ever.

  6. Ah, Christina. What wonderful news!
    I`m so happy for you & Charley.
    Hugs to the little one.

  7. I am practically crying, you sweetheart. I can envision you choosing their Easter baskets. Such fun and gaiety at this time of year.

    God is more than good, isn't He?

  8. What great "God timing" for your gift. I'm so happy for you all.



January 15th

One year ago today I began to eat differently. It is called the Ketogenic diet and the information is out there for free ...