Packed bags

Whenever I pack my bags, it almost always indicates I am going somewhere and hopefully it means goodtimes will follow. In my lifetime this has always signaled a point of hope and the greatest of memories, with few exceptions like when the trips have been to mourn the loss of loved ones.

Getting out my suit cases signals joy in my heart and the smell of musty luggage triggers the floods of many, many things. Like the trip across the country with the almost infamous G-ma as a teenager, a trip that we both remember with different edges. Hers are harder than mine.

Seldom have I regretted getting out my bags, even when I was asking a man to leave me. It was past time for the ending of that chapter and it was time for him to go. Getting packed for this trip was a great joy and the first time I had packed up a "family" of children for any trip. I barely knew what all to take and literally took one of everything but a pair of snow skis. (There is not any snow in these parts right now.) But, I was excited to get out the bags and choose just the right yuppie little outfits for my kids. I wanted them to look cute.

And I had a hard time limiting my selection so I over packed for them by a lot.

What I did not factor in to this whole event was how it would look to a little four year old who has been packed up four other times already in life. These suit cases do not signal new adventures and fun memories but New Mommies and Daddies.

This child was certain that we were delivering them to a new home, not taking them to the Zoo.

Makes my journey with Multiple Sclerosis pale in comparison.

Truly it does.


  1. oh my gosh; I can truly understand how she must have felt. Poor little one; hopefully now she will begin to look at suitcases in a whole different light.

  2. makes my journey petty too. thank you.
    but having you show them another side of what they fear is another gift you give them. no longer will bags mean suffering. now there is a chance that it means adventure and smiles and sun and treats. thank you for that too.

  3. Wow... the little things we take for granted... like luggage and the meaning behind it all... It was good of you to notice... I knew you were going to be good at this!!!

  4. Poor baby! I relate more with you as packing bags have more than not been a time of joy...vacation, or readiness to move on. I don't know that it would have occured to me either. I hope the kids all had a blast at the zoo and the next time you all go somewhere and pack some is not something that is sad for them but happy, because they don't fear going to another home, but to a happy place with you!

  5. This situation with one of your children makes my own journey pale by comparison as well. The next time this child sees a packed suitcase, hopefully, she will not be sad or afraid.

  6. What a powerful moment when you see through another’s eyes and heart, especially one so small and fragile.

  7. Ahhh, packing for the kids. Whenever we do that, we wonder if it would be easier to just put wheels on the house.

  8. Oh Oh My...That just hit me in the heart! I am here and reading!!! I am loving hearing the joy in your words!

    I love standing by and being witness to your glee!


  9. Although it is so sad, I`ll bet the trip has lessened the fear in the little one. Good for her & you!


January 15th

One year ago today I began to eat differently. It is called the Ketogenic diet and the information is out there for free ...