The Zoo was Fabulous!

Just a quick update to let you know that we wised up and had the child wear Pull-ups on the road trip to Seattle.

I learn fast.

Yes I do.

The wonderful thing about these children is that just about everything we do with them is fabulous to them and the Zoo was no exception to them. Within the first hour the oldest looked at me and said:

"Mommy, all we need to do now is find those funny looking monkeys and we've just seen Madagakar Live!"

That is the kind of innocence one can't buy or fake.

If we took any pictures that don't show their faces I'll post them for you.

Yesterday we took them to the top of the Spaceneedle and then they rode all the cheesey little kid rides and they thought they were at Disenyland.

I love these lads.


Crud....can't work my new-to-me-hand-me-down laptop that my Mom gave me so I can't spell check this because I can't turn OFF THE BLOCKER thingy. Too bad, you all get too just how really badly I spell.




  1. child's innocense are an awesome gift from God. now on top of that, these children have lived what we all wished for no one, specially little angels..

    how i thank you for loving them and caring for them.

    how they will always know love because of you two.

    i'm happy, it's a win, win situation. God is good. He works it all out.

  2. It reads like such a "family" day. Wonderful!

  3. Your relating this is awesome as well. Love it.


  4. We didn't have pull ups back in the day. Lots of accidents! Glad all went well. Spelling-schmelling, who cares? :-)

  5. Pull up are a wonderful thing! I am so glad you and your family had a great time. There is nothing better in the world then spending good quality time with the family...and for these children, I am sure it was extra special! They have been through so much already, it is nice that you are able to do things like this that allows them to just be a kid.

    Take care of yourself. I hope you are doing well.


  6. the innocence of kids; what a true blessing that is. WTG on wising up and getting pullups; smart move :)


  7. There are lots of those little tricks(pullups)... Just need to ask...
    Most of them will come to you after being there! I know you have a lot of natural instinct!!!
    Glad you had a great family day!


  8. Lol ... they say the darndest things, eh?

  9. (((Christina)))

    Your experiences with the children you wanted so badly are heart warming to read. May God bless you all with continued joy and happiness.

    x's and o's to ya.....

  10. ........"Mommy, all we need to do now is find those funny looking monkeys and we've just seen Madagakar Live!"..........
    I`ll bet you loved that!


January 15th

One year ago today I began to eat differently. It is called the Ketogenic diet and the information is out there for free ...