
The irony of working with my husband for the last three years is that the poor soul is the one who had to break the news to me because the owner was too chicken to do so.

The owner also told my poor husband that he was taking a large of our money out of his pocket on the third anniversary of my hysterectomy and on our oldest child's birthday (remember she is the one that isn't his but the one that we'd adopt in a heart beat....?).

I guess cliches get to be cliches for a reason:

Life isn't fair.



  1. I'm soooo sorry. You are sooo right; life isn't fair. I'm just so thankful this life is not all that there is and there is a better life waiting for us one day for all eternity

  2. Mr. Owner sounds like a real piece of work.

    (((Christina))) Life is NOT fair... But the crap often serves to make the blessings that much brighter. You can come work for me... Kind of a long commute, though. But I promise I would never have Charley tell you that you are going to be fired.

  3. Thinking of you and praying for a great outcome... Keep the faith. Remember when you thought of the fostering might be out of the picture... no look at you two.... four. wow!

  4. Hi Sweetie,

    I'm so sorry about the the news, I know it hurts. However, keep your chin up, walk tall and stay proud!
    The fact of the matter is that you didn't really like it there anyway. Therefore, I see this turn of events as an excellent door flung wide open for you to have a much brighter future. So go for it Christina.

    I love you heart and soul,


  5. That stinks Christina but I'm feeling God will find a way :)

  6. Your poor husband. How difficult that must have been for him to not only realize you were going to loose your job but that he had to be the one to break the news. The owner there sounds like a jerk. I am so sorry you are going through this. If you need anything at all just give me a call or email me. I am here if you need me! Take care.

  7. what a man your boss sounds like! no b**ls awful your hubby must have will find another suitable and well paid job soon.

    life isn't fair but God is...He sees it all and will put it in rightful order, don't worry. stress isn't good for you at are doing God's job, He will not forget you anytime..hugs.


January 15th

One year ago today I began to eat differently. It is called the Ketogenic diet and the information is out there for free ...