
One of the main reasons we joined our current home church was that the worship music was able to move me to tears and the sermons make sense. They take the bible stuff and make it mean something real. When I cried tears of home coming, I knew I had found the right place and we have never gone looking again.

This weekend was the conclusion of a four week series that started when my Mom was here, aptly called Canvas. It was about how big God is and how everything is for His glory, how we don't always see the whole picture even though we think we know what is going on. For the whole four weeks there where artist up on the stage (yes, it is that kind of church and that big) painting huge and complete pictures. When Mom went the picture was of a forest and a stream and then the pastor went a put a big black spot in the middle.

Each week was different and they promised at the end we'd see the whole picture...

Well today, on my favorite holiday of the year, I was moved to tears in church again. They took all these separated and complete pictures, that had nothing to do with each other at all, hung them from cables at the end of the service to music and it made the out stretched arm of Jesus.

The black spot was actually the nail hole and while it hung there they painted red around it and it dripped....

I cried, rubbed the back of a little child and prayed for my dog that was hit by a car.

An empty wooden cross stood on the stage.

He is risen indeed.


  1. I emailed you directly but am praying for you, your dog and the child.

  2. You always make me stop in wherever my brain may be...and just think very deeply, as your words hit me rather deeply...in a beautiful way, my friend.

    Thinking of you and Peanut...


  3. He is Risen indeed!
    I was hoping for cute little stories about your new family members... I'm so sorry about Peanut. Is he ok? Is he hurt or just his pride? Is your Mom home safe and sound for Easter? I'm thinking of you and healing for Peanut.
    Miss ya,

  4. With the growth of your family your own canvas must look different, rich with challenges, and so alive. What a blessed time for this all to come together.
    Caregivingly Yours, Patrick
    http://journals.aol.com/daddyleer/ CaregivinglyYours/

  5. Peanut almost died....he was hit and his bladder exploded.

    Mom bartered a mural for his life and he is home now. Click on the part about him to go to her entry.


  6. Firstly i know how much you love your dog, i hope he is okay. Secondly, i have no experience with a service like what you describe but i got to say it sounds absolutely moving and beautiful. I'm glad that you have a Blessed Easter. I'm glad you enjoyed Easter from a child's joy. I'm glad that you are glad.

  7. Your church sounds fascinating, as well as very moving. I think I would like it there.

    God love your mother for her bartering ability, her talent, her compassion, and for having you as her daughter.

    I hope Peanut will be well.


  8. Indeed He is risen! Amen to that.
    loving you

  9. Your church Easter program sounded amazing! My prayers for Peanut in his recovery.

  10. Christ has died
    Christ is risen
    Christ will come again.


January 15th

One year ago today I began to eat differently. It is called the Ketogenic diet and the information is out there for free ...