First Date

Curious, our new church friends ask
how we met, expecting a nice tale
fitting our place in their world

quickly we exchange glances
and I giggle, while you explore
new shades of red

certainly desert vanilla pudding
would smooth the edges of
the coming story, honey (my eyes plead)

"At work," I answer too quickly, "but our
first date..Was...A bookstore." you slide in
falling over my words

(we leave out the exact nature, these
are nice people) the first time we held
hands, something forced because of my hair

expertly we dance, clearing the table
and the air, "Charley knew a lot about
about the books." (and things for sale)

I deadpan. Never breaking a smiling.
His knowledge amazes me still and our
church friends leave, impressed and dazzled.


  1. Christina, this is beautiful.
    I`ll bet Charley loves it.

  2. Wow. This leaves me wanting to know more...
    Thanks for stopping by my blog today. I appreciated your words. And your fear of spiders but allowing the poem to be healing. I have a fear of peacocks (I am not kidding) but have found that they seem to come across my life in the most interesting of ways...and wonder if they might actually be one of my spirit animals.


January 15th

One year ago today I began to eat differently. It is called the Ketogenic diet and the information is out there for free ...