[op-uh-zit, -sit]–adjective
situated, placed, or lying face to face with something else or each other, or in corresponding positions with relation to an intervening line, space, or thing: opposite ends of a room.
contrary or radically different in some respect common to both, as in nature, qualities, direction, result, or significance; opposed: opposite sides in a controversy; opposite directions.
being the other of two related or corresponding things: friendly with many members of the opposite sex.
Botany .
situated on diametrically opposed sides of an axis, as leaves when there are two on one node.
having one organ vertically above another; superimposed.
adverse or inimical.
To be opposite of something or someone...opposed to them or it. To find oneself on a radically different sphere, a side that is not the same. Opposition.
Our souls can be in opposition to themselves, our hearts and minds can oppose one another. A human is easily torn apart by thoughts.
Human thoughts. One does not imagine a lion pondering the destiny of it's cubs to the length that a human will ponder the destiny of it's offspring.
Wild animals will fight to save their young; but, in serve hunger they will also eat those same young. Human beings will almost always lay down their own lives for their young, even their young they did not sire. Human compassion is sometimes boundless and yet, humans are capable of great black ugly sin.
My life has been a musical written in the key of opposition, underscored with the harmony notes of tension. One without the other sounds sour and bitter, but played together it has created a beautiful and haunting tune; a life that sings of God's faithful hand. Fingerprints left here and there, conspicuously found on my soul as proof that He loves me daily. If not for Him, the opposition would have torn me apart but instead I find that each day I am given the strength to get up again.
I deleted all my old blogs, created a new e-mail address and this new blog because I needed a new place to write. I am not trying to hide but am hoping that some people do not actively seek me out. Their opposition is not the kind I need or want. Like Ruth calling herself Mara...Bitter, I do not want to be her. I want to be Free to Dance. Free to Write. Free to work out the things in my heart, the thoughts in my head and the words in my soul. I long to write the words in my head down. I am and have always been a writer; stifled often.
Here I am slightly hidden, but not completely. At this point though....no one is a threat to me. No one can take away the children that are mine. The adults that abandoned, neglected and plain old did not take care of business are no longer the rulers of my world. Neither are their relatives, suto relatives or noisy friends. Or the adoptive families of other kids. Or anyone else who wants to take and twist my words and try to start petty little things about it.
Opposed, oppressed.
My soul suffers oppression
dripping regret heavily unto
the well of yesterday
and tomorrow laps it all up
Wasting life no more
I have found you, my friend.
ReplyDeleteAnd, I do hope that you will make yourself take time from your busy life and write. I know from my own experience that those of us "blessed" with this gift must use it. I found a quote the other day, and it has stuck with me: "It's better to fail at something you love than succeed at something you hate." So many layers of meaning there, for me...and I suspect, for you, too. :-]
yes...indeed this quote is how I feel. Sometimes I long for the luxury of a shower just so I can write poetry in my head.