
Remember those pants I just bought?

They are already too big.

If I didn't know better I'd think I have some fatal illness.

I do not, I just have toddlers.

(Notice the pural please.)

Lunchtime is over.


Looking beyond the cracks
silently light filters threw the the cracked window
capturing floating lint lingering on the wind
with graceful swirls and dance moves like a leaf
each of Jodi's friends scattered their words
leaving fingerprints as proof of their colorful love

even though broken the glass is smugded...


  1. i have 5 kids and i gained weight...lol...i'm glad you have those kiddies to give you such full days...but pls try to not let yourself get sick or anything. you have enough with your MS...i'm sure there comes a point where too much lost weight is not good for you. we care for you and are happy with you. wish i could help. take care...

    Jodi is a tremendous person. i love her dearly. she is kind and sweet, generous and funny...i'm glad that in my little blog world i have met her and you and all the people that make my life so much better.
    thank you.

  2. wow; makes me want to get a few toddlers to help get some stubborn pounds off, but do take care of yourself with your MS too.


  3. Haven't heard a peep from you but guess you are just so 'busy' with kids overflowing. I am so glad your heart is full and you are happy. Can it really be seven years now? I do so want to see you and Charley....
    Miss you dear one,

  4. Oddly enough, my twins did not help me loose weight! I did gain an appreciation for sleep though.

  5. I remember when my son was young...running around everywhere after him! It seemed I lost weight after having him and when he was really young, and then I gained it all back (and more...unfortunately). Try not to over do it. Kids are great, but they can sure be a handful at times! I hope you are doing well. Please take care!


  6. I liked seeing that plural word. ::huge smile::

    You are darling.


  7. Suspenders worked in the ole days...

    I am so proud of you and happy that you are loving your life as a Mom. Good for your sweetie, good for you!

    Love you bunches,


  8. Woo Hoo!!
    Plural is Right!


January 15th

One year ago today I began to eat differently. It is called the Ketogenic diet and the information is out there for free ...