what would you do???

So if someone said this to you:

"If your boss says the sky is green, you'd better say, yes it is."

Would you think it is time to find a new job too?

And how was your day??


  1. I've been working as a university teacher for more than 20 years, so I know what it is to work within a hierarchy. I think to some extent we all have to agree the sky is green. It just depends how important it is for you to say what color the sky really is. Why is it important for the true color to really be known? On another subject: I hope you are continuing to send out your work. I know you had some rejections recently. This is the way it is with publishing and the rejections should make you even more determined. Are you still enjoying being a mommie?

  2. time to find a new job. you don't need the stress and attitude. you need to think of your health. an unhealthy working enviroment will hurt your body and mind. not worth it.

    i'll pray for you. besides if this has to do with your trip then the heck with your boss...you have the right to go visit and be there and you need to find a workplace that is family oriented.

  3. There's always a superficial amount of false agreement that goes along with any job. the time to finda new job is when that amount becomes intolerable. That line is different for everyone. That comes from a woman though who had a conservative Republican boss who liked to talk politics at the office for over a decade.

  4. Since your boss didn't say that, I would find out what he/she would expect the response to be. If indeed that is what he/she expected, I would be reworking the resume pronto, but that's my own conviction. Some people have no problem being yes (wo)men. According to the President of my company, I am the type to "tell someone how the cow chewed the cabbage," and he likes that. I have no clue what that saying means and when I laughed at it, his response was: "See what I mean." :-)

    Good luck! I sure hope this was a hypothetical question to keep us busy while you travel. :-D

  5. I have four letters for you FMLA! The family medical leave act will protect you if this trip (or other health concerns) become an issue up to a specific amount of time. There is nothing they can do but deal with it....it is the law! Having said this, they don't have to guarantee you the SAME job only one similar and they don't have to pay you while you are gone. Either way....I agree with Robbie that I hope this was hypothetical.

    If it was not, you might also want to consider what it would do to Charley (doesn't he work at the same place?) if you did tell the boss to "stuff it" if you will (probably should use nicer words) :) I hope things are going okay and that your grandma is hanging in there!


  6. Ditto to what Theresa, Chana, Cynthia, Robie, Jamie and Lisa wrote. It's time to activate your resume at Monster.com honey.



    You can use my laptop for job searching, just be sure to download your resume onto a cd, disk, or email it to me before you leave Pasco.

  7. I have been looking for sites like this for a long time. Thank you!
    » » »


January 15th

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