MS and flying

I have to admit to something some of you may be surprised by...I have not been on plane since before 9-11 and I have not been on a plane since being told I have MS.

I have kinda of avoided the whole flying issue on purpose, call me chicken.

Now, I know that most of you people think that I am fearless; however, the truth is I am a chickenless baby.
I don't want to fly because what if the plane falls out of the sky?

What do I do about my shots?

Who is going to give me my shots since I am too chicken to do it myself?

How do I get them on the plane?

Yes, I know I am almost forty years old. (shh, tell no one 'cuz Mom is only 29, she adopted me as a baby.) The website tells me how to get the shots on the plane and I am certain that I won't have any problems, but what if I do?

What if the shots explode in the plane?

What if a terrorist uses my needles to hi-jack the plane and it is all my fault?

Good Lord. This is why I have not yet flown.

All the prayers in the world do not help calm this irrational fear.

I mean really.

This trip isn't about me at all.

It is about my Grandma and being there for my Mom. Being strong for her.

Not about my childish fear, dragging my feet, wishing away an illness I dread. Wishing away an illness I know all about.

Lung cancer.

This is where I cry out to God for peace. For each breath.


  1. i understand your fear. i really do. i'm going on a plane on the 30 myself except mine is for a vacation and not the real life issues your grandma is dealing with. i wrote about how scared i am. turbulance is not my thing. i overeact. i fear all that you mentioned. i fear alot of what was not mentioned. i fear over this vacation too, since my health is not 100% stable right now..what if i go and get sicker and need medical attention in the middle of the cruise and in a foreign country. all the health insurance won't help i fear...i too have given myself lectures of what i should be doing instead but honey we are all but human. and we and our emotions just need to be good luck to the brave girl that we both have inside. i know that you and your meds will be okay. God is with you always and when the times comes you will be okay. Your grandma is a strong lady, your mother is amazingly strong, hon, you have all the strength in your will be okay, i pray.

  2. I hate flying that much, too. I have not flown since 9/11, either. I have always had an irrational fear that the plane was going to fall out of the sky. 9/11 just made it worse.

    However, I can do (and have done) anything for a few hours when it comes to "being there" for my family. I know you can, too, my friend. ((((Christina))))

  3. One verse and my prayers are what I offer: I can do all things through God who strengthens me. Love, courage and peace to you.

  4. Christina,

    I am praying for your family. I am sorry that you are going through this. Please take care of yourself.


  5. Christina, I`m so happy that you`ll be with Mom & Grandmom soon. They need you.

  6. Just keep telling yourself: "no matter what happens I'll be fine." Because, you will.

  7. I can only pray on your behalf.


  8. Oh Christina
    I, too, will not get on a plane...I will drive, go by trin and that is it!
    Yet of course that would just take too much time...
    Christina, I know you have it within you..Your shots and all, call the airlines and see what they say. I had a client who called Walgreens and CVS and they had the scripts and they picked them up when they got to their destination..Ask your Doc, they may be able to call ahead to a local hospital or Visiting Nurses Association, your insurance should cover it, call them too...

    Take a deep breath. I live near an airport and oh about thirty planes fly over all day...
    You can not stop living Christina
    Oh and ask if there is a low dose tranq(ATIVAN) you could take two hours before your flight...

    Keep us posted, I will meditate for your gramma and Mom!

    Love ya

  9. I'm so proud of you for putting your fears aside and being there for mom and grandma. Your family continues to be in my prayers.


  10. Ohhhhh Sweetie, please do not fear flying,but instead see this as an opportunity to feel the wind under your wings.

    I'll call Delta and make sure they can keep your meds cold. They do it for diabetics so they should be able to do it for you as well.

    Watch a movie and enjoy the flight.

    Love you,



January 15th

One year ago today I began to eat differently. It is called the Ketogenic diet and the information is out there for free ...