Letters To My Daughter: My Mother:

Letters To My Daughter: My Mother:

This is one of my biggest heart breaks as my Grandma is my one of my heros. If you are so inclined please say a prayer with me and mother.


  1. Christina, you and your beautiful family are all in my prayers. May you feel the presence and peace of the Lord.

  2. Christina, our prayers are with you all.
    Patrick http://journals.aol.com/daddyleer/CaregivinglyYours/

  3. yes, of course..i understand your sufferring. My great-grandmother was the one who taught me how to love and my grandma has loved me and protected me my whole life..i'm sorry. pls know i'll be thinking of all of you...God's Peace and His Love with you all.

  4. I'm so sorry. I am hoping for the best.

  5. Christina,
    I am so sorry to hear about your Grandma. I lost my Grandpa this year...it is just never easy! Your family is in my thoughts and prayers. Please travel safe to Tampa.

    You know I am here locally, so if there is anything at all that I can do, please call me (do you still have my phone number?) or email me. I am happy to help out as I can....picking up kids from daycare, whatever! Just let me know.

    I am sorry you and your family are going through this.


  6. Chris,
    I am so sorry. Know that I am praying for you, your Mom and Grandma K. I will say a prayer for Charlie while you are gone in Tampa too. Life is crazy and know that He has a plan...
    I Know that is hard to believe, but he does. I always ask myself what would I do if he took the most important things away from me right now... And I have to remind myself that I was so lucky to have them this long or that I even had them.... easy for me to say now... But I hope to be reminded of this at that time due to the fact that this will happen eventually... Death and illness's are a part of life. Trust in him. I pray for healing and support,understanding.
    I just wish I could be there to help you out in someway.... anyway! Let me know if I can... PLEASE!
    God's peace,

  7. God's peace and my prayers to you all.


January 15th

One year ago today I began to eat differently. It is called the Ketogenic diet and the information is out there for free ...