10-13-66 to 5-26-86, Holly Kay Hoopingarner

On the beaches of my soul
your foot prints wander still
left in the sand of my heart

on one side of the country
this would be a rising sun
but to me, it is always setting

on the memory of your early
death, robbing your dreams
killing your family from the roots up

to me the ocean taste not
so much of salt, but of tears
and laughter for it is there

that we spent our youth
I miss you or maybe it is us
I miss the possibilities of what ifs

and should haves float endlessly


  1. Ill call it heart and soul
    what you feel bout her now
    reaching, craving to share
    again somehow

    Lovely, Christina


  2. .......I miss you or maybe it is us...........
    The real core to such a loss, I believe.


January 15th

One year ago today I began to eat differently. It is called the Ketogenic diet and the information is out there for free ...