for a picture of Kat's today...

morning wears a fog
singing softly sparrows shadow
releasing my heart


  1. I awoke this morning and the ground was covered with dew, and my morning wore a fog. I was unusually warm down here today. Spring is almost here after a mild winter, and the sparrows never left. Your short poem brought the images back to me, now that the sun has set upon another day.

    Christina, I enjoyed our e-mail correspondence the other evening very much.

  2. Not to be mean, but I SWEAR I got that sentance as a subject in some spam! ;)

  3. LMAO!!!!!!!!

    Oh now that is funny....I didn't even think of that. See, maybe Lisa is right, I am an innocent.

    Kat is a fellow blogger but her journal is private the photo is of about 30 sparrow in a tree in the morning is lovely.

    She does great work...

  4. I'm always so flattered when you compliment my photos with your beautiful words. Thank you.


January 15th

One year ago today I began to eat differently. It is called the Ketogenic diet and the information is out there for free ...