Sadly, by trying to work out ideas in my own heart with my past post, I offended a number of people. I probably offended even more people who were not brave enough to say so and thus it goes.
I am not an elitist who thinks she knows it all. As a matter of fact, I am certain that I do not know the answers which is why I am constantly searching. Constantly questioning and reaching for more knowledge. My special knack in life has been to offend. It is why I have lost more friends than I have ever kept.
Both my feet fit in mouth.
In this forum I suppose I could say all my fingers fit in my mouth.
However, I will not apologize for having my own firm beliefs and for sharing them in my own personal blog. It is my blog. I don't think anyone has to believe my way...That is why I love my country...they get to think and choose whatever in the world they want. God love 'em.
My real regret is if I ever come across as an Uppity Christian, slap me.
I am a seeker of truth. But do not ever get confused, I am a Christian.
I believe in the risen Son of the Almighty God of the Universe.
And that is not naive.
And THIS is MY blog.
And last I checked I still live in America.
Of course you have every right to profess your personal views in your own blog, my friend. We all know that you are a Christian; we accept that as part of the Christina we know (in that weird, disconnected, blogosphere way) and love.
ReplyDeleteBut do understand that, as much as you feel you have found "IT" in Christianity, there are those who feel just as strongly that their answers lie elsewhere. And when you make noises that sound kind of like "my way is the right way and everyone else is going to hell," you're going to raise some hackles.
I didn't comment on your original post, because I felt that this was an area of philosphy upon which you and I are simply going to politely disagree, and I didn't want to say something dumb and hurt your feelings. I value you too much as a friend. ((((Christina)))) :-]
ah...but I don't believe in hell...
ReplyDeleteIsn't that funny?
I told you I didn't have the answers. I just have questions, endless questions that I can't reconcile. How can a loving God make a Hell?
That doesn't seem so loving to me.
I struggle with Christianity just as much as the next person does. I certainly don't think that heaven will be full of "Christians".
Quiet the opposite really...if that were the case whole countries would be eliminated and that totally goes against the grain of the God I believe is true and real.
See? Just more questions, no answers at all.
What I failed to say well enough in the original post is I don't know about heaven and hell...but little kids do. Their pure hearts are the way. Their innocence is the way.
Instead people just saw blood and "my way or the highway" but missed what I trying to say:
It is about love.
And silly me, I got hurt in the process.
Don't be fooled Lisa...I have not found "IT" in Christianity...I found "IT" in God. I could take organized religion or leave it but not God.
I don't think the earth will save me but I believe in goodness.
A note to others:
ReplyDeletego back and read the italics....those words are not my voice....(regular readers may actually recognize the difference in word choice.)
Those words are the words that I have learned in Church and what I know I am suppose to say but can't quiet ever bring myself to say. Why? Because I just don't know about them. Because part of me just doesn't buy into them. They seem so, so totally smug. The italic words aren't mine....they are the canned answers of preachers.
I struggle. I feel like a failure of a Christian. Like a phony.
Boy am I mad.
Christina, I have total faith in you and your beliefs. Still haven't gotten to the source of the trouble here, but I could tell you you don't have a phony bone in your body! That's just ridiculous. I can state quite clearly that I believe in God, and I believe in you!
ReplyDeleteLove you!
Us {{{{{{{{{{{Christina}}}}}}}}}
ReplyDeleteI read the post, and I don't consider you a failure as a Christian. A lot of us struggle with our God. And there is certainly no measure of phoniness in you. Your outspokenness in that post alone proves your sincerity. I've told people openly that I'm confused about religion, but not about God. I question my own faith, and wonder if I have reached a state of apostatsy, but a devout Christian that I deeply respect assured me once that I have not. This is your blog, so speak from the heart, whatever you want. People who cannot handle it can move on. I didn't comment on the post for fear of offending you or appearing foolish. I needed some more time to frame the right words, the exact ones, because I really wanted to chime in.
Dang. While you were almost pulling this post down, we had left a comment but it seems to have disappeared into the ether, and we can't remember what we said now, so we'll leave this instead.
ReplyDeleteBon & Mal
Christina, I doubt very much if many were offended.
ReplyDelete........... My special knack in life has been to offend. It is why I have lost more friends than I have ever kept............
[nope, sorry]
Keep Writing & Poetizing from your heart.