My five guilty pleasures...

One entry found for guilty.
Main Entry: guilty
Pronunciation: 'gil-tE
Function: adjective
Inflected Form(s): guilt·i·er; -est
1 : justly chargeable with or responsible for a usually grave breach of conduct or a crime
2 obsolete : justly liable to or deserving of a penalty
3 a : suggesting or involving
guilt b : aware of or suffering from guilt
synonym see BLAMEWORTHY
- guilt·i·ly /-t&-lE/ adverb
- guilt·i·ness /-tE-n&s/ noun


Main Entry: 1plea·sure
Pronunciation: 'ple-zh&r, 'plA-
Function: noun
Etymology: Middle English plesure, alteration of plesir, from Middle French plaisir, from plaisir to please
2 : a state of gratification
3 a : sensual gratification b : frivolous amusement
4 : a source of delight or joy

I like "deserving a penality for my frivolous amusement" I am going to pick my five choices based on that definition of guilty pleasure. Thank you Bon and Mal for tagging me ... but I think that they have been indulging in too many brownies. And I don't mean the kind that you would offer your Grandbabies.

  1. I absolutely refuse to drink my morning without flavored creamer, calories be damned. I buy the low fat kind so that redeems me, doesn't it? It is my first and foremost guilty pleasure. I do not eat chocolate. I STILL have Halloween candy here in my house folks...I am almost out of creamer though.
  2. I have never denied myself any book I really wanted no matter what my financial status was. Even if it meant going without food. Yes, that is sick and wrong.
  3. I sing much too loudly in church for as tone deaf as I am. It makes me is a joyful noise.
  4. I use to blame my gas on Peanut.
  5. I (wow, every sentence starts with "I"...) always complain when Charley watches the WB because most of the programming is so corny but I secretly like it. A lot.

If you made it though my list and still respect me, consider yourself tagged. My mom has done it already and hers is barely "G" rated... Now go back to your humble abode and reveal all your dirty little secrets!


  1. Christina, shame on you--and I don't mean just the Halloween candy!! It is NOT "sick and wrong"
    to buy books "even if it meant going without food." Some of us are WRITING books even though it means going without food!!



  2. Your entrys always bring a smile to my face and often I LOL! I did not remember the chocolate thing... The book thing I knew.
    WB?... I've never watched... But I do watch My name is Earl and I LOL no matter how silly it is... Don't judge me!!!
    ps, have a great weekend!

  3. Lori...Here in this little town of 250,000 the WB (I think it stands for Warner Broadcasting?)is a station that plays stuff like KING OF QUEENS, ONE TREE HILL, EVERYONE LOVES RAYMOND, WILL & GRACE RERUNS, you know...corny shows that no one ever admits to watching.

    Paula...I adore you.

    Maybe, just maybe I'll tell what that tattoo says and has on it. Hinting is so much fun.

  4. I was Tagged by Ayn. We share the same coffee -guilty pleasure. That's one i don't budge on or real butter.

  5. I'm right with you on the coffee creamer thing. But not on the chocolate...

    BTW---books arrived yesterday....

  6. Oh yes, I do hear you about buying those books! Books ARE food. It is as important to feed our souls as our bodies. Rather than being "sick and wrong" I think it shows your superior spiritual awareness!

  7. Browwwwwwwwwnnnnies ... mmmmmmagh.
    Better than books? Maybe not.
    Bon & Mal

  8. I so should have expressed myself better...

    It is sick and wrong that I feel guilty about the books, not that I buy the books. For pete sakes.


  9. Hee hee...Guilty pleasures??? Hmmm I am not sure I wanna reveal
    As for the tat...I will show mine you show yours LOL...


  10. Woo hoo! You have cute guilty pleasures. That shouldn't surprise me, though.

    I would gladly list my five in here or in my journal, but suffice it to say that four of the five would probably earn me the label of nymphomaniac. So, I'll tell you the non-sexual one...I drink a glass of Coke in the morning instead of coffee. (I hate the smell of it, hate the taste.)

    Do I have to pay rent while I live in here?

  11. Christina, I very much like your entries. I was just visiting for the first time tonight. And now you have visited my blog! Serendipity, or something like it. I will be back often. I can learn from you - truly lovely writing here! Thank you for sharing.--Beth

  12. C:
    "For pete sake" told me what that tattoo says in Donna's blog! (Surprised the heck out of me and cracks me up every time I think about it--swept the image of those doggone blue toenails right outta my head!)

    The adoration's mutual, dearie...and by the way I'm WORKING on that other thing, OKAY?


  13. Holloween Candy *radar ears pop up*

  14. LOL Keep singing loudly, Christina!! I LOVE my morning coffee with creamer, too!! Wow, gotta have it!! I need to check out The WB...

    Hugs and Love, Val xox

  15. Chistina, please give up the coffee for it causes cysts. And save the candy for me...

    Love and miss you bunches,


  16. Mom...

    I'll give up the coffe when you do.


    But I love you the candy will still be here when you get will be six months old, but it will still be here. Charley doesn't eat candy either.

    Have you seen Lori yet?


January 15th

One year ago today I began to eat differently. It is called the Ketogenic diet and the information is out there for free ...