
Curiosity finally got the best of me and I wanted to see, you know just so I would really know...what kind of ADS AdSense would pick out for me. Since I was so bent out of shape about the whole "other place" and had said that their advertising would fly in the face of what I had to say because I mostly talk about my health, God and love.

Well look what AdSense picked out for me.

Ads on the Bible.


Nananananana it would be funny if it wasn't so sad.


  1. It is funny and absolutely perfect!

  2. I agree its perfect! Hey sweetie, how are you?



  3. You sure do make me curious about things after reading your journal. Now I want to see what ads I would get. (I'll get back to you on that!)

    Of one thing you can be certain, AOL would never allow Bible ads on the journal sites.

  4. I think they parse your site content on a regular basis to determine a best fit. Although, I have noticed some political blogs that get an opposing party's ads posted ... funny.

  5. Adsense does a pretty good job. The more info in your journal the more accurate they tend to be.

    Hugs, my friend.


  6. They know you!
    I think Scalzi talked!

  7. Charming, Christina. I told you I was curious what would be chosen for my site. So, yes dear, I signed up. Here is the first ad that has appeared in my blog:

    Make Your Donation Today
    Help Rebuild Lives & Communities in Hurricane Affected States.

    Public Service Ads by Google

    I can live with that. Now to see what future ads are placed in there. What I cannot understand is WHERE IS YOUR AD IN YOUR JOURNAL? I have a box at the very top of my page. You have nothing. ::fretful look:: What did I do wrong?

    Maybe I have been curious one too many times and just used up my nine lives. ::grin::

  8. AHA! This is the place ... I was wondering where I would get my new Bible! Hehehe

    Been missing you Christina. Umm, yes more than the advertising! Umm, think I'm going to look for a poem instead ... Maybe? Let's see what happens when I hit the scroll bar :)


  9. It’s almost midnight and I’m still "stuck" on reading about you and your life……. There is so much I would love to say to You Christina…. You are a brave woman….but most of all remember that MS is not who you are but what you have….. Stay healthy and…I’ll pray for you (just in case :):)

    Greetings all the way from the Netherlands.



January 15th

One year ago today I began to eat differently. It is called the Ketogenic diet and the information is out there for free ...