like a salt

With fragile sheets of wind the giggles envelope me like a favorite sweater, ready to wear again. Even the smell of salt reminds me that these days will be over sooner than any of us want them to be; childhood dances by so quickly. It will not always be so easy for you and I to convince them to dance, to kids songs, in the family room, with us.


For now though, they are each happy moving along with the crazy hand motions and the wiggly shuffling about. Singing songs about Jesus being a Soccer Star make them belly laugh.

Listening reminds me of years ago, when it was just us, and how my love for you filled the room with starlight. Who knew that tiny beings could fill the night so fully? When ours eyes meet, the electricity there is real; tangible proof that indeed, prayers are answered. (And I mentally wrestle the guilt that others have lost, so that we may gain...duplicity is mine.)

Love; however, fills our home.


  1. I absolutely love being able to open this blog any time want to and see my family and how much they are loved. Thank you

  2. you have a lovely blog here. i have MS too and write about it. i will have to come back to read more of you.

  3. Christina, I love these photographs and your were that beautifuly fit each photo. Hope all the egg is out of my namesakes bedroom. Tell her Fra-pa said that the next time don't forget the cake mix, she will have a lot more fun. Now wouldn't that be an exciting mess to clean up...

    Love and miss you,



January 15th

One year ago today I began to eat differently. It is called the Ketogenic diet and the information is out there for free ...