New hopes

"A person who has never made a mistake has never tried anything new."

~ Albert Einstein

Maybe later today, if you all are good, I'll tell you about the Home Study I had on Monday....

I am such a tease.


Blogspot: please turn off thewordd verification on my posts, this is NOT a spam blog. Really and truly. MS impairs my vision when I get tired, MS makes my fingers numb ~ and the letters are just really hard to see sometimes. I am a real person and this is a real blog. I am not a spammer. Honest.


  1. Well, your verification is gone - we had better remove ous too. We hope you're feeling better. Our best wishes.
    Bon & Mal

  2. oh no....there is a word verification on my entries when I POST THEM....for ME !!!!! Blogspot thinks this is not a real blog. They think it may be a spam blog.

    Made by a computer to up the links of some website somewhere....because of my volume of entries and links.


    Now that is funny!

    Not for my comments, which I removed because so many people complained to me but I have to use word verification to post entries.


  3. WHAT? You, the blog writer, have to do a word verification just to post an ENTRY?

    ::scratching head::

    Love the background, by the way!

  4. Thank you...yep, me the blog writer. I have to use wrod verification to post my entries. Whining has not helped yet.

  5. Christina,

    They showed-up at my place too. Just at the time of posting an edit. At first I thought I hit a wrong button, but I'm afraid they might be here to stay. It would help if I understood them. Couldn't anyone breaking into my computer to write in my blog read the same code? Or is it like a thumb print some how?


January 15th

One year ago today I began to eat differently. It is called the Ketogenic diet and the information is out there for free ...