Flowing waters

Isaiah 43:4 (NIV) Since you are precious and honored in my sight and because I love you. God

For me, the finger prints of God are evident all over my life. Each page I look at shows that He has been there every step of the way guiding me and keeping me sane. Even yesterday, I was talking with a co-worker and she asked, how do you stay alive? How do you not just loose your mind?

I missed my chance to tell her about my God. I missed my chance to give Him the credit.

Why does that happen? Why do we freeze when we are talking? I know why I make it every year without slowly going crazy...I know why I can see the stars in the night sky.

Why did I miss the opportunity to tell her?

I made me think of that song that came out a few years ago by Clint Black, Just a Few Questions.

I wasn't there when you hung the stars in the sky...

Please help me to be more brave next time and to speak the truth.


  1. I loved your essay, the look of your journal and I have felt this exact guilt. I no longer miss the opportunities to speak on how I get through each day, when asked. I do however miss way too many chances to reach out to those in pain. I have been given so much but I never feel I'm giving back enough. Tammy

  2. Awe Christina, God gave us all kinds of gifts, we can't hold ourselves so rigidly to a plan that it overrides the acual experience of living in communication with others. Too often we override ourselves with emotional displeasure and disatisfaction. That just can't be the real plan. I think giving Him the wheel means staying in the present and making good choices within His gift of love and kindness. We need only make adjustments along the way to recenter the path. No room here for self guilt and shame.

    He smiles heavens above you!

    Us :)

  3. Honey, you didn't miss your chance at all. As you know, God works in misterious ways and it could well be that the answer you gave your co-worker, was the one that God wanted you to give. Perhaps your answer helped her in her own life. And if this was the case, then you did God's work. He shines through us in everything we do. If he didn't, then he would have never chosen me to be your Mother. Does that make sense? If not, then just chalk it up to my blonde logic...

    Something tells me that she will think about your words, then come back to you with more questions.

    I love the way you made the type darker and background lighter at your journal. You've kept the esthetics beautifully intact, yet enhanced the ability to read your words. Great job!

    Love you,


  4. The Creator speaks to everyone in different ways, at different times, in different languages. It is not for us to convert, merely to witness. We witness when we think it is welcome. Whether you choose to speak, or remain silent, trust that the Creator's message will be delivered and heard. Feel no guilt.
    Bon & Mal

  5. The way one lives their life day by day is the greatest testament of all.



  6. you witness every day of your life just by living the way you do. I love Clint Black... he seems like such a good man. Oh, and that duet he and his wife sing can make me cry every time. judi

  7. Don't be too hard on yourself, Christina. You're telling people about the abundance of God's grace in your journal for all to read.

  8. The best witness a person can have is their life, Christina. It's far more effective than their words. So look at how this person has already been touched by God's grace. It's hard to speak up sometimes, but you know it's time when the Holy Spirit gives you the words. I know the feeling you describe so well, and I hate that feeling of missing the right opportunity, when the timing is right, and the person is receptive and welcome to share. Just know that you share the glory and wonder of God everyday here in your journal and (I have no doubt) in your life.

  9. Christina,
    We`re all only human.

  10. Chris,
    Your Mom hasn`t stolen your background? She must be really busy!

  11. Hehehe Funny V! Could be a new family reverse heirloom!

    :) Us

  12. I don't think you missed an opportunity. I am agreeing with your mom in that the mysteries of God might allow for your co worker to think about what you did say. If your physical life is any way near as tender as your on line persona then I feel the radiance of God will not be missed.

    Be blessed

  13. That's a tough one, isn't it? You want to be strong enough to weather the criticism should it be leveled ... but yet. The spirit is willing but the flesh is weak.


January 15th

One year ago today I began to eat differently. It is called the Ketogenic diet and the information is out there for free ...